About Us
Africa Open Data and Internet Research Foundation (AODIRF), is and Africa wide Non-Governmental (NGO) civil society organization, AODIRF was launched in August 2017 as a non-partisan, non-profit civil empowerment organization focused on the delivery of essential themes necessary for the creation and promotion open data, internet governance, geospatial technologies and other digital technologies. AODIRF has a team of 8 voluntary staff, 5 Africa regional coordinators and 5 advisory committee members. Africa Open Data and Internet Research Foundation is an Africa wide civil society organization leading the promotion of open data, internet governance, geospatial technologies, cyber security and other digital technologies. AODIRF brings communities and people impact communities in the use of digital solutions. AODIRF's overall mission is to create a positive change in the continent of Africa. AODIRF strategy and all its activities are rooted in its core values. These core values are: Integrity, Transparency, Accountability, Independence, Impartiality, Objectivity and Cooperation.
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our manifesto
At the core of our mission lies a set of strategic objectives aimed at driving digital empowerment across Africa. We focus on advocating for open data policies, fostering awareness of the benefits of open data and internet governance, supporting community networks, and providing essential research, advisory, and training services.
our manifesto
Advocacy and Empowerment
Advocate for open data policies, internet governance, and digital technologies, empowering communities for transparency and accountability.
Awareness and Education
Continuously raise awareness about the benefits of open data and internet governance through educational initiatives.
Community Support:
Support community networks in impoverished areas and promote adoption of open data policies across Africa.
Research, Advisory, and Training
Conduct open research, provide advisories on cybersecurity and DNS abuse, and offer technological training and events for African communities.